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Your Polypro fire hoops have enabled me to smile even more. I'm ready to take it to the next level. Thanks for your support and help.
- Super Victorio
The quick wicks rock! They are light, flexible and easy to attach. I had some initial fear of the metal bands being rough on my hands but they are smooth and do not pose a problem at all. It's very cool to be able to switch the bands from hoop to hoop - from a 32" to a 38"--makes it easy to change up. I'm very, very pleased with the quick wicks!
-Dorne Pentes, NC
I just wanted to let you know that I love the fire hoop! It is extremely extremely light which is awesome! I will definitely be letting people know where I bought it, and I will recommend you to all my hooping friends in the NYC area. Thanks! -Justina Flash, New York City
I got my new hoop!! I loooooove it sooooo much, it's the lightest hoop ever, so much control and very grippy, awesome!!! Such nice pieces of work!...these are practically lighter than my regular hoops! Thank you!
- Liz, Tokyo
Just flowed with my new firehoops. 33" polypros with 1.5" wicks. Twins...and I love them both. I've never felt as much freedom of movement with a fire hoop.
I did some research before I got my own and I chose you guys b/c everyone says that yours wasn't heavy (like every other hoop I've tried) and I'm SO glad I chose you. It basically feels like my normal hoop and I feel comfortable with it, which is most important to me. So again, thank you! and I'm going to recommend you to everyone that asks.
-Jen, Chicago
Thanks again- I recently ordered Quick Wicks and I LOVE them. They're so easy to change from hoop to hoop, and I used them on my LED hoop recently and they were amazing. Thank you so much! When I get better at using twins I'll probably order another so I can do fire twins.... :) Thanks again.
-Amy Barker, MA
Tthe best firehoops in the weeeld! These hoops have been played with by a very rough 4 year old and they are still in amazing shape, best hoops out there. Thank you for spreading your creativity for all the enjoy!
-Kendra Larson, Sunshine Designs
Seriously! You're amazing! My friend, Cassie, just got a beautiful fire hoop from you guys a month ago and we think you both are very very excellent. Much Appreciation! <3 <3
-Mary, PA
I recently got the chance to play with some friends' firehoops to see the difference from my HDPE hoop. Wow! I didn't realize how spoiled I was until now! My hoop is so light and easty to spin in comparison...with it I can focus on having fun instead of controlling a heavy, flaming object!
Just wanted to drop a note to say THANK YOU for getting my hoop to LA so quickly. I've been so busy rocking it that I didn't create an opportunity to thank you previously! I introduced another girl to the love of my life (aka the little hoop you made me) tonight and she may be contacting you. And seriously....she fell in love.
- Mary, Los Angeles
You have made me a VERY happie manda. Thank you! I'll send pictures when we do our first burn. So much love to you. I just want to say I love my HDPE hoop!! It brings me so much joy, and others!!
I have been hooping with fire for a few years and I have 4 different fire hoops. I was a little skeptical of the quick wicks but I had to find out for myself. I found my quick wicks to be incredibly sturdy yet easy to take on and off my hoops. Once they are tightened they do not budge. I first spun two small hoops with three wicks each and in just a few minutes I was able to transfer all six of them to a large hoop with no problem. Nice even burn on the wicks. The stem and holder do not get hot at all. I was able to touch this part right after my fuel burnt out. I really, really love my quick wicks and I am ordering more. I see endless possibilities for them beyond hoops. We were trying to attach them to a unicycle that night but the rider figured he'd burn his legs. :-) I can't believe it took this many years for someone to create such a genius product.
-Tara V. Hoops, NY
YEA!!!! I received my very first fire hoop!!!!! and I love it:) I am very grateful for all the help and information I received from you! Thank you again for thoroughly answering all my questions!! I lit my hoop up for the first time last night and It was wonderful:) It was light enough to do all the vertical moves I enjoy doing and strong enough to hoop around the waist on the horizontal plane. I am also thankful for my fellow hooper who led me your way. Much appreciation and respect,
-K. R., Long Beach
Yipppeee for my new hoop! Giant 2" wicks and still soooooo light...I love it!
Double Mini Firehoops...u had me at Hello! Looking ahead. Manifesting positive energy with intention for my 8th Year Anniversary celebration of art living life as a Breast Cancer Survivor Polynesian Hawaiian Tribe Style: 01/11...I think I'm in LOVE.
Your firehoops have freed my face of unsinged hair.
-Rich Porter, San Francisco
Just wanted to say thank you for getting the hoops and wicks out so incredibly fast. You guys are quality! I love my new hoops! Thank you thank you!
I absolutely love my fire hoop, it's everything I dreamed and more!
Thanks alot,
Chelsea of Palm Springs, CA